Thursday, January 15, 2009

Coos Bay, Oregon

After an all-too-long spell of cold, rainy weather (and an inch or two of snow in Portland!,) it was a reprieve to feel the sun again. I arrived in Coos Bay, after spending a week with Emily in Portland, and made my way to Bastendorff Beach in Charleston just a few miles west of Coos Bay. The air was crisp, the water was cold, and it felt good to walk along the beach barefoot. The beach was quiet, save for a few hardy 'beach bugs' drawn to the waves and sand by the warm sun. I stayed until sunset - soaking in the Oregon coastline.

Coastal Highway 101 South

Miles of public beaches...

Bastendorff Beach...

Die-hard enjoying the 'chop'...


Anonymous said...

Love you Uncle Jeff!! I can't wait to see you. Maybe you can help me make my own blog....


P.S. When you leave a comment you can't put in a character or anything from the character map:-( Anyway, this is for you... <3

Anonymous said...

I remember you saying that the Oregon coast was one of your favorite places when you were on your Great Adventure. It looks beautiful...and no snow!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff, I have been trying to leave comments, without success to date. Will try again... Bastendorff beach must be close to where Ben is...looks beautiful, and hopefully warm.

Martine said...

I love your pics, Jeff. I especially love Sadie and Williams pics and that gorgeous Oregon coast lighthouse. Wow! I can see we're all in for another "greater adventure" vicariously through your eyes.