BUG (Backpackers Ultimate Guide) lists over 30 low-cost hostels in Cairns, (Population: 122,000). Most are located closer to the waterfront and attract a younger (ie: roudy) crowd. Travellers Oasis received good reviews and has a quieter, more conservative feel.... We'll see?
Things to see and do? The Great Barrier Reef, snorkeling, diving; Rain Forest exploring, mountain biking, Sky Diving, Bungee Jumping... and other similairly ho-hum, prosaic tourist activities.
How will you get around? Rent a car? Public transportation? Train?
Hostel sounds great and cheap.
BTW, Jayne and I just got back from the movies...first one we saw was Revolutionary Road with Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio....was an excellent movie, takes place in 1955 and examines life in a suburban setting...I'd give it a 9.
We also saw Slumdog Millionaire and it is a definite 10...you must see it. It was just nominated for best picture.
Cool Uncle Jeff!!!
This place looks great! Can't wait to hear about & see pics from down under!
Australia (or at least southern)seems to be going through a scorcher. You should be fine as long as you're not playing tennis and your not a pesky moth. : )
Hi Jeff,
I was glad when Uncle Mart sent me a link to your blog, I see you are still taking beautiful pictures. You always did have that talent for photography. I particularly love the black & white photo on Bastendorff Beach of the little girl with the beautiful eyes, amazing photo! Over the years we seem to have gone our separate ways and lost touch as family, which is something I regret. You have a wonderful way of putting your thoughts into words. I have always admired your intelligence, independence and talent. You remember the time you showed me how develop black & white photos I took with your camera? That stated a little hobby of my own with photography but it never really developed into anything. Which brings to mind the fact that I passed along the link to my son Kevin who is very much into photography. He is attending the University of Delaware and is planning on going to study abroad in Australia next year for a semester. Both Kevin and I will be following your journey to Australia with great interest.
Be Safe
Your Cousin Wayne
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