Coastal Highway 101 South
Miles of public beaches...
Bastendorff Beach...
Die-hard enjoying the 'chop'...
“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” -Don Williams, Jr.
Love you Uncle Jeff!! I can't wait to see you. Maybe you can help me make my own blog....
P.S. When you leave a comment you can't put in a character or anything from the character map:-( Anyway, this is for you... <3
I remember you saying that the Oregon coast was one of your favorite places when you were on your Great Adventure. It looks beautiful...and no snow!
Hey Jeff, I have been trying to leave comments, without success to date. Will try again... Bastendorff beach must be close to where Ben is...looks beautiful, and hopefully warm.
I love your pics, Jeff. I especially love Sadie and Williams pics and that gorgeous Oregon coast lighthouse. Wow! I can see we're all in for another "greater adventure" vicariously through your eyes.
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