Saturday, July 25, 2009

Farewell Sydney...

Farewell Sydney... my 7 p.m. flight to Cairns (pictured above) is now boarding. Sydney to Cairns... 2,730 km./3:20 hr./min.

(In case you don't immediately recognize the aircraft... it's a Boeing 737-800! As the pilot confirms the V-speeds on departure, he'll rotate the nose for take-off and set the throttle controls to 'auto' (it's a small, round, black button located under the left engine throttle lever.) While maintaining a comfortable RoC (rate of climb) of 1,000 ft. per minute, he'll reach over the throttle console to retract the landing gear once V-3 speed has been attained. Because of my 737 training, I'm familiar with those gauges and controls... I'm ready if the pilot needs a hand!)

I spent part of my last day in Sydney taking in the beauty of Circular Quay, the Ferry Terminal, the Opera House, the skyscrapers of the Central Business District and the busy Harbour below from high atop the South Pylon (conrete and granite tower) of the Sydney Harbor Bridge. I can't say enough how impressed I was with the city and all it has to offer.

Views of Sydney Harbor from the South Pylon of the Harbour Bridge.

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