Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Crikey! A day at the zoo…

See more zoo animals at:

OK, Siam... Are you sure you remember what we talked about?
Ha ha... That's really funny, Justin. You forgot that elephants never forget!
[Siam, 52-year-old female Asian Elephant]

The Australia Zoo is a family business. It was opened in 1970 by Steve Irwin’s parents Bob and Lyn, as the Beerwah Reptile Park, a home for rescued and rehabilitated wildlife. Steve and Terri took over management of the park seventeen years ago and it has grown to become a world-renowned attraction; espousing the interdependency of all living creatures, and promoting conservation and understanding through exciting, ‘hands-on’ educational experiences at the zoo.

It's important to be ready at all times... Just in case an unsuspecting critter should scurry between my open jaws. [Scrappa, Saltwater Croc]

Guests at the zoo have the opportunity to get up-close to the animals
by interacting with many of them in their enclosures and by feeding and petting them. There are informative exhibits, live demonstrations and zookeepers roaming throughout the park featuring some of the smaller, more portable animals. As evidence of the park's success, they are expanding with a "Madagascar-themed" area – which will be home to lions, giraffes and other African plains animals – opening in the near future.

Bird handler, Krystal, with one of the Macaws from the bird show.

On display was an especially poignant exhibit paying tribute to Steve Irwin – a collection of images from years past and a wall of Steve’s iconic khaki shirts and shorts, signed by family, friends, zoo staffers and park visitors, honoring the legacy of the “Crocodile Hunter.”

Should we tell Mr. Cassowary his hairstyle is a bit out of fashion!?
[Bedarra, (or is it: Babinda, Beepa, Rocky or Stomp?) Southern Cassowaries
are second only to the Ostrich in size.]


Anonymous said...

wow...Australia Zoo...Steve Irwin is such an iconic figure. It's great you were able to see the zoo he grew up in, etc. I think his daughter (Bindi?) is a chip off the old block and is now doing her own nature shows, etc. now too.

Jeff said...

Hey, G.

I just finished 'tweaking' the zoo blog and added a link to other animal pictures. It was a great experience... and yes, you're right, Bindi (10) is a serious Irwin. In fact, it's a family affair. Even her younger brother, Robert (5), is following in his Dad's footsteps.

It's still a small, managable park at this point, but it's reaching 'critical mass' and I wouldn't be surprised to see it rival the San Diego zoo in the future.

Now get back to work!

Martine said...

Wow jeff,fantastic pics. good job!

Unknown said...

Hi Wep--

Well, because of you and your blog, Tom and I are walking around say "Crikey, Mate" to each other! :)

Did you cut your hair? I love the new do! Must be a lot easier to handle too.

Tell me exacelty where you are now. Every time Tom and I get to looking at a map of Australia we're not sure just where you are. Have you made it to your friend's house yet?

A week or so ago Tom and I saw on the news about a shark attack to a young surfer soemwhere in Australia. One of the boys who witnessed it was a 15 or 16 year old curly haired boy named Dylan...maybe it was your firend's son?!?! What is their last name.

Anyway, I should email you too. We look forward to more pictures!

Love you, miss you...
Love, Lise, Tom, Sadie and Will xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo

Jeff said...

OK, I've got a new expression for you... you hear it almost as often as "No worries, Mate." It's "G'd on ya, Mate!" It means "Good for you, Mate" or "Good job..., or Well done.... or Way to go... So now when William picks up his toys or Sadie finishes her math homework, you can say "G'd on ya, Boo!" "G'd on ya, Sissy!"

I haven't made it to visit my friend, Cindy Durant and her son and husband yet. I'm really not moving very fast at this point. (I told Abby I need to drive faster or stop less.) I'm about half-way down the eastern coast... just north of Brisbane. (I'll see if I can send you a Google Earth link.)
Cindy's in South Australia... still thousands of kilometers from my location.

Yes, I cut my hair... I start my volunteer job at the Australia Zoo on Wednesday morning, so I figured I should presentable. The change is nice... and easy.

Hi to everyone!