Saturday, February 14, 2009

Cape Tribulation


Florence A. Dunbar said...

Love the pinwheel plant! Nice. As well as the deserted beach...hoping to see one of those in 3 wks but I'm sure I will see humans! But it will be warm!!!
We have about 35+ degrees today & sunny...just enough to make you feel like it "might" be nearing spring...NOT...snow coming Thurs! Ugh!
Lookslike you are having a blast! Happy for you!
Are you writing in a journal too?...if not get doing it...I see a book for you in the future! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Wepp--

Love the photos...I know you couldn't wait to get naked but didn't you see the signs aobut the Crocs? Sheesh! Which brings me to my next question. I take it a Croc took the picture of you swimming in your birthday suit?

Love the Blog, it's great.

We miss you though.

Love, your lil sis Lise

P.S. Hi Bo, miss you too! :)

Jeff said...

Did you forget what you and Tom and the kids got me for my birthday? That really cool little tripod that literally warps around anything? You don't really think I'd be swimming au naturelle with an audience, do you? Sheeh, yourself!

Anonymous said...

Ummmm...yup...I think we're all thinking you swam au naturelle with an audience...and we were also wondering who comprised the audience! lol Bobinnie
PS Prove that tripod wraps around 'anything' ;)